
Serralves Museum

Serralves Museum

Photo by Sara silva - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, The Serralves Museum is the foremost museum for contemporary art in Portugal, uniquely sited in the grounds of the Serralves Estate, which also comprises a Park and a Villa. Through its collection, temporary exhibitions, performance, education and public programmes, publishing initiatives, and national and international collaborations, the Museum fosters the understanding and appreciation of contemporary art and culture. Introducing the work of the most important artists working today to diverse publics, strengthening ties with the local community, and encouraging reflection on the relationship between art and the environment that is ...Continue Reading

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Oporto Beaches

Oporto Beaches

Photo by Joseolgon - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Homem do Leme Beach Photo by Joseolgon - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Extension: 374 mGPS: Latitude: 41° 9' 38.58" N (41.160717) Longitude: 8° 41' 9.36" S (-8.685928) Castelo do Queijo Beach Photo by lilivanili from London, UK - Castelo do QueijoUploaded by tm, CC BY 2.0, Extension: 140 mGPS: Latitude: 41° 10' 2.64" N (41.167408) Longitude: 8° 41' 24.54" S (-8.690151) Molhe Beach Photo by Joseolgon - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Extension: 168 mGPS: Latitude: 41° 9' 28.92" N (41.158028) Longitude: 8° 41' 3.24" S (-8.684239) Gondarém Beach   Photo by Câmara Municipal do Porto Extension: 115 ...Continue Reading

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Clérigos Tower

Clérigos Tower

Photo by rilo 2006 - Portugal, CC BY 2.0, The Clérigos Church (Portuguese: Igreja dos Clérigos; "Church of the Clergymen") is a Baroque church in the city of Porto, in Portugal. Its tall bell tower, the Torre dos Clérigos, can be seen from various points of the city and is one of its most characteristic symbols.The church was built for the Brotherhood of the Clérigos (Clergy) by Nicolau Nasoni, an Italian architect and painter who left an extense work in the north of Portugal during the 18th century.Construction of the church began in 1732 and was finished around 1750, while ...Continue Reading

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Lello Bookstore

Lello Bookstore

Photo by Alegna13 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Livraria Lello & Irmão, also known as Livraria Chardron or simply Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore) is a bookstore located in central Porto, Portugal.Along with Bertrand in Lisbon, it is one of the oldest bookstores in Portugal. In 2011, the travel publishing company Lonely Planet classified Livraria Lello as the third best bookstore in the world.History and developmentsThe actual company goes back to the establishment of the "Livraria Internacional de Ernesto Chardron" in 1869, down in the Clérigos street. After the early passing of the founder at the age of 45, the ...Continue Reading

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Maria Pia Bridge

Maria Pia Bridge

Photo by Christian Zimmermann - Self-photographed, Public Domain, The Maria Pia bridge (Ponte Maria Pia), commonly known as Ponte Dona Maria, is a railway bridge built in 1877 by Gustave Eiffel in Porto, Portugal. Built of wrought iron, its two-hinged crescent arch used to carry the railway to Lisbon for 353 metres (1,158 ft) across the River Douro at a height of 60 m (200 ft) above the river. When constructed it was the longest single-arch span in the world. It is no longer in use as a rail bridge, a modern replacement having been constructed in 1991.In 1875 the ...Continue Reading

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Displaying 21 to 25 of 42 records found